Winter Chat

So it’s officially winter. And my kindest mummy bought me a new coat that I’ve fallen completely in love with! I think you can guess where it’s from...H&M of course. See with my coats they are either leather coats or thick coats. This is in-between, with a soft fleece collar, the sleeves are leather and the body is a thick polyester material. It has a weight to it I can tell you that, but it’s the best thing for these winter months to come.

I seriously love getting my gloves and leg warmers out for the colder times. I will live in my legwarmers as much as I can. And the big long socks too! My feet always get cold too quick, that or my nose but there’s not a lot I can about my nose. Scarves are something else I love. Silk scarves I wear in spring and summer, even autumn. Then comes the big long thick scarves for the winter, I have my super long one I got one year from H&M and it’s worn a lot through the winter ever since.

Slippers are the most annoying thing for me, I have to get ones that will strap on to my foot and stay there. Otherwise I will just leave them behind. This is why I buy slipper socks or just really thick socks. But then I have to double them when it becomes freezing cold like now. So I need to go buy more before my feet freeze to death.
                                           What’s your comfort clothing for winter?

                                                                     Mo xox


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