Last Monday I watched Will Darbyshire’s latest video about personality traits and taking this test. I thought ok that sounds like fun, let’s just give it a go. Not knowing that it was going to blow my mind and make me feel so much better!
I’m not really the person to explain how the test works, I’d say go watch Will’s video first and then follow the link he has put in the video description to the test.
What I can say though is I wish I knew about this years ago!  I came up as a INFJ - Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging [ ]. As soon as I started reading about it all I did was agree on everything about myself. Then I found out that my personality trait is rare, there is less than 1% of the population with this personality trait. I have read so much about it in this week since and it just makes so much sense about myself. The fact there’s not a lot of people like me is a relief because I know why now nobody seems to get me. It’s hard to explain everything just because I have read SO MUCH now. But I actually made some notes so here we go.

I’ve never been sure if I’m a Introvert, there’s sometimes I don’t mind being with lots of people and there’s the times I just need to be by myself. Turns out INFJ’s are mistaken for Extroverts because they appear outgoing and interested in people, but actually they are Introvert and once they have had enough of socialising, I guess, they need to go ‘recharge their battery’ and just be by themselves. Like an escape, time to rebuild themselves.
I read that INFJ’s find it easy to communicate with different type of personality traits, but then they can come across reserved. That is normally them taking time to think and sort out their feelings and thoughts. They are often sensitive, quiet leaders and often deeply woven, mysterious and the one thing I laughed at was ‘often puzzling, even to themselves’. I can never understand myself!

Every personality trait has a nickname, INFJ’s are The Protector. Being observant and compassionate, avoiding to hurt or upset people. Easy to approach having a warm and gentle nature. As close as a human can get to being empathetic. But as much as they can pick up on other people’s feelings and personality traits, they don’t easily offer up their own feelings and are often accused of holding back in relationships, mainly romantic ones.

I can agree with every single thing I have read so far. To sum a lot of that up would be to say INFJ’s care a lot about the other people around them. But when it comes to themselves it’s the hardest thing to get them to open up. I’m sure people that have been close to me can agree with that, I’ve had it said to me many times that I hold back. So if you know a INFJ, they try to be a good friend but they suck at letting you be a friend to them I guess.

                                                                        Mo xox 

Will Darbyshire 'Who Am I?' -


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