Sometimes You've Just Got To Dance...

I don't know if I've spoken properly of my love of dance. I'm no professional dancer, I've never had lessons. The closest I've ever gotten to lessons is at the age of 5-7 I had a video for ballet lessons

and I'd get a chair in my front room for like a rail, put my ballet slippers on and try to follow along. I know my mum would have sent me to lessons if I have asked but with my shyness I refused to go near one. I always intrigued by Ballet, I went to watch Swan Lake on stage with my

sisters at a young age and loved every single movement, completely glued.

Then when I was 14, I was introduced to break/street
dance. That was it, I was hooked. I bought a couple of DVDs teaching me how to street dance. And I was watching film after film after film with

Street dance, you know like Honey, You Got Served and of course Step Up!
Step Up has always been the number one dance film I've been obsessed with. When I first watching Step Up 3, man that hit me. When the dancers explained what dance means to them, I was just sitting there nodding away. And the quote 'Born From A Boom Box' is just me all over!

There were the High School Musical days where I learnt every single dance
routine, mainly with my closest friend, shout out to Danielle! I have to admit I'm a little rusty in trying to remember every single dance, but when it comes to the song 'Work This Out' that routine will never leave

me! The foot work took me a long time to learn!

So basically I
free style a lot of the time. When I want 'Mo time', that's me with my IPod blasting in my ears while I just dance. I can't do flips and tricks like people, even though I would love to learn! When I hear a new song, you bet I'm making up a dance to that song and working out how I would

perform it. When I'm upset, angry or even when I'm happy and excited, I just want to dance. It's my own way to express myself when I can't express it into words. Music and dance is just life to me. I love hearing that beat in the music and letting my body just follow it.

that's me, that's what has been my passion since a child. I don't normally express it to everyone just because it's more of a secret hobby of mine. I guess there's only certain close people that have seen me dance except parties and events. Other than that I keep it to myself.

                                                                         Mo xox 


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