Summer Of Exercising!

So get this, I’ve started exercising! Now quite a few times I’ve done healthy eating in the summer but the exercise side has been a fail. Mainly because I get tired so easy but I think I’ve worked out a way to exercise without pushing myself to much. I started watching these 5-10 minute work outs on YouTube. And I feel like I can push myself to do that every morning without it being too much to wear myself out for the rest of the day. My main focus is on my tummy, it’s the only part of me I’m not a fan of and want to change.

My healthy eating is the case of not letting myself snack in the evening before bed, making sure I don’t skip any of my three meals, eating at least one fruit that day, only allowing myself one treat (two if I’ve been very good) and just no snacking between meals as much as I normally do. If I’m home I find it easier to not skip any meals and eat fruit. But it’s very hard not to snack, especially at night! Then when I’m out I find it hard to eat all three meals because I get distracted and keep my foods healthy because I’ll just grab something junk foodie. It’s hard to balance it but that’s my aim for the next 2 weeks.

Exercising I think will get easier, but at the moment it’s the hardest thing to get up a bit earlier in the morning to do it and it probably doesn’t help that I’m aching so much. It’s only the start though, I’m hoping it’s going to get better!

I shall let you know how I’m getting on next week, what’s worked and what I’ve completely failed on.

                                                                     Mo xox


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