Just A Catch Up And Natter

Hey, I’m just here to have a natter really. There’s nothing exciting to chat about really but I wanted to chat. I’m about to talk about the one thing us English people seem to love to talk about. The weather... how exciting!
So this summer sucks, we’ve had one good patch at the end of May and then it’s been blurgh with the odd sunny day.  Now through August and beginning of September I’ve got outdoor days planned and I’m hoping and wishing the nicer days will come for them! I don’t fancy sitting in the rain thanks.

I’m trying to plan more exciting videos for this summer, I have got one prepared after a fun day in the garden with friends. That should be out this Thursday if you’re reading this same week I publish it. But then after that I’m not so sure what I can film, I have ideas but it’s if I’m going to get to film them.

I want to chat redecorating my bedroom, just because I love designing how a room can look. But when I can get round to do that I don’t know, although I am going to have a few more free days in August so I think it’s a possibility I could tell you about that properly. I know I’ve spoken briefly on my weekly vlogs about it.

Oh and the last thing is my healthy eating and exercising I’ve been keeping up with... I’d say it’s been half good half bad. I have managed to do my exercising EVERYDAY! Although saying that i was way too tired to do anything this morning, but I will do it later on today so it’s ok. Eating healthy is always something I struggle with. Especially when you’re with friends and everyone brings chocolate, crisps, sweets... then there’s the pizza, sausage rolls and bread. Basically food is my weakness. I mean I haven’t ate after 8, there’s only been a few slip ups. The reason I’m trying not to eat before I go to bed because I read a few years back that eating before bed isn’t great, just because your body doesn’t get a chance to break it all down and then you’re in bed and gaining it all. But apart from that I haven’t done too badly and I have got a lot more exercise than normal. Maybe that’s why I’m so much more tired!

                            Anyway have a nice week and I shall talk to you next week!
                                                                      Mo xox


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