Pinterest Love

Pinterest... I feel like you are either obsessed over it or if you’re not, it will happen at some point in your life. I had Pinterest for quite awhile and hardly went near it. Then one day I wanted to search for ideas for a party and that was it, I haven’t looked back. I’ve used it for hair ideas, encouraging my obsessions over TV programs and bands, party ideas, room redecorating and youtubers.

Funny thing happened today as I was thinking of what to write about my love of Pinterest, I was looking up hair plaits and up do’s pinning away while watching Zoella’s new video. Then she just starts talking about Pinterest and I’m like WOAH! What a coincidence!

But as I was saying, my love for Pinterest has grown dramatically over the past 6 months. And it encourages everything I love. If you don’t know what Pinterest is I shall try to explain it. Imagine having a pin board but on the internet, and on that pin board you can have as many little pin boards on it. When you search for a certain type of thing you want, for example hair colours, Disney or your favourite musician, you can then either pin that picture onto your board or just like the picture. You can also follow other people’s pin boards you like, maybe not their whole board, you could just follow one of them little ones that takes an interest. You might be following a friend and so when you find a picture you like you can write a message and send it them. 

Have a go and see if you like. And if you want to follow my Pinterest I shall leave a link below. 
                                     Hope you have a nice week and I shall chat again soon.
                                                                         Mo xox


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