Sunflower Update 1

I got given a sunflower kit, which had 2 seeds, a pot of soil and instructions how to plant and take of it. Straight away I planted it, watered and put it on the window sill in my work room that has lots of light. I admit the odd few days I have forgot to water it, but I do spend most days in my work room and then it does remind me. It’s only been a week since planting it and all of a sudden it was there!

I’m no gardener, at all! But I’m excited to do this, I’ve been wanting to make the area near my shed look a lot nicer. Plant some flowers that don’t need daily work, something that I can keep an eye on weekly maybe. I tend to only be out in the garden around spring, summer and early autumn. Once it starts getting darker and colder I happily stay hidden in the house. So if you have any ideas let me know!


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