The Ball Is Coming Soon!

 So it’s officially June! And not only are you getting blogs everyday about Disney for the month, it’s the month of the Disney ball! Ahhhh!! Half of me is so excited but I’m also so scared. I feel like because I’m calling it a Ball, it’s a bigger deal than just a party. But in reality it’s just the same as when I do a party like I have been for the past 6 years.

 I think it’s just the fact I’ve put so much into the decorations than normal, like every single table has a Disney film theme. I don’t even know which ones will be my favourite yet, I’ve put in so much thought and detail into every single one.

 I’m also super excited for the day, when I arrive at the hall, set the tables in place and just get stuck in. Literally watch everything come to life.  I’ve had this idea in my head for a year now, last August I remember saying I’m definitely going to do it and then we booked the hall 9 months ago.

 I always have dreams a few weeks before the party, where I panic because I have nothing ready, nothing is done and it will be the day. The last 2 years have been the only times I haven’t cried because I’ve worked myself up and wanted everything to go just right. And I think that’s because I’ve had Gill, Cerys and Steve there to help,  I know they have got my back and I’m just more chilled around them. So thank you guys if you’re reading this!

 So there you go, I shall take pictures and write all about it for you and for me to look back on. Plus I’ll be vlogging of course. And just talking about it like this makes me more excited for it. I hope you’re looking forward to it too!

Mo xox


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