I Have No Idea What To Write

I have no idea what to write for the blog today, so I just thought open Microsoft Word and just type, write whatever comes to mind. I guess you’re going to have a rambling blog post today.

Ah well Monday night I went to see La La Land with a bunch of the girls, we all fell in love. Don’t worry I won’t spoil anything, only that the ending isn’t what I expected it to be. But I kind of love that, the whole way through the film it was a feeling of the old Hollywood, modern twists and just things I didn’t expect to come from it. Some of the shots with the camera, more so near the beginning we’re beautiful. I was waiting for it to be in black and white at some scenes and then it would remind me in another shot, this is modern day. So yes, I completely loved it.

Oh, here’s an update, I released after my cat blog that all my cats have middle names from friends, except from Cheshire. I think because the madness of renaming him from Dinah, after finding out he was a boy, I just didn’t think about it. So, I texted Cerys and gave her the freedom of giving him a middle name. Drum Roll Please! He is now called Cheshire Chubbs and I love it, when he lies down and you can see all his tummy, then it suits him very well! Also, it reminds me of our old cat who we would nick name Tubbs.

What else can I tell you? I’ve ate way too many malteasers lately, but then I’ve also been eating healthier snacks that are the Yo Yo Bear pure fruit. That balances it out, right? Oh, and I’ve got the good old Wii console back out again, playing Mario Kart. But also, the Wii Fit to keep track of weight and balance, then throw in some Just Dance. If only I did it every day though, not once a week. I need to step up my game and get more fit, honestly it NEEDS to happen! Have any tips to help me let me know.

                                                                               Mo xox


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