My Cat History Part 2

When I was 17 mum saw a sign on a farm about kittens, they told her they were constantly having kittens but they were either getting run over on the main road or being squashed at feeding time with the cows. Mum went on rescue mood and told me about them, I wasn’t going to say no. When they we’re old enough she brought back these two black and white kittens, which we call the twins. The boy is Francis, Caitlin gave him the middle name Bon Jovi and then the girl is Mojo Jojo, I’ve always said she’s an evil villain (gold stars for you if you know where Mojo Jojo comes from). I asked another friend Lauren for a middle name and she said Tuck. Yes, it’s a thing now, let the friends name the middle names. Mojo bonded with me from day one and still to this day she doesn’t often go to near people but she will happily come jump on me in bed to wake me up. Francis is in love with my mum, he has to sit with her on her chair, he loves sleeping on her bed or he’ll go sit on her wheelchair. They are both wild cats coming from this farm so most of the time they will live outside. Until it’s winter and then Mojo will curl up under my bed away from everyone and Francis will curl up on the back of mum’s chair.

A couple of years later and mum met a lady who was having her 7th child and her cat was pregnant too. Mum knew I would love a ginger cat again, nothing would ever replace Jack but I love the colour and markings of a ginger cat, probably because of Jack. She mentioned if the cat did have a ginger one we’d be interested. And it did! I waited patiently for this kitten to be old enough and then when the time came they said it wasn’t eating properly so it was taken to the vets. It was weeks later when we finally found out it was coming, mum was out when this kitten got dropped off and I instantly fell in love. I did write a blog post about meeting Cheshire for the first time and how we we’re told it was a girl and I called ‘Her’ Dinah. But the vet said “actually it’s a boy” and I changed the name to Cheshire.
He’s bigger than them all, we only later found out his dad was a main coon cat. He would just not stop growing and eating, at the start we thought oh he’s just making up for the time he wasn’t eating but it just didn’t stop for months. He was wild when it came to food, you couldn’t eat in same room as him because he would just shove his face between you and the plate or your hand. We had to feed him separate to the others because he would eat his and then shove them out of the way to eat their food. It was madness, it wasn’t till he was around a year old that he started calming down. He has his moments if he smells something really good he’ll do everything to get it. But now it’s more if he wants to sit on you everything else has to get lost, move over for him. If I’m on the laptop that won’t stop him from coming and sitting on it.

Him and Mojo are just lazy with their big tummy’s, but at least Mojo will move, he won’t if he doesn’t want to. You have to pick him up to move him. But Cassie and Francis are the hunters, they bring you the presents. Cheshire is honestly too lazy, he’s basically Garfield.

I love the characters of them all, they make me laugh so much, I’d honestly watch them all day just sleeping, because even then the sleeping positions are funny. You know how some women itch to have another baby, that’s me with cats.

                                                                                Mo xox


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