My Cat History Part 1

As you probably know by now I have 4 cats and over the years I turned more and more into a cat lady. I honestly think I’m going to be that crazy friend that lives in a house full of cats and the neighbourhood talks about what a character that cat lady is. Then the children from the area try to sneak a look through the window to see if all the weird rumours are true. Yes, that will be me.
We had a family cat called Tubsy that would come running at the sound of a packet of crisp and everyone ended up giving him something, which we later found out was not doing him any good and had turned into the cat version of diabetes. He had a twin sister, Filomena, but I never got to meet her as she got run over years before I came along. But I loved hearing the stories of her, how she was the adventurous one of them both. And how Jessi, my sister, would dress her in baby clothes and the cat would just lie on her back in a doll pram letting my sister do anything to her.
Then when I was around 6 years old my sister Sadie brought around this stray cat that had been passed around different homes and had been in a cattery so many times but thrown out because of having no room. And we bonded straight away, he was mine and I was his. The first night I cried because I wanted him with me and he cried down stairs, I like to think for me. I named him Jack Ginger Tigger Paws Walker. Actually, I let my friend Danielle, give him another middle name so she said Paws. He would sleep in my bed every night, I couldn’t sleep without him, he was like that teddy bear every kid has. He never got on with other cats, but he was ok with Tubsy, I think he had a respect for him. Tubsy died at a good old of 17.
Jack was a tough street cat, coming back with scratches and fur missing sometimes, I think he would have lived a long time if wasn’t for the gas man in a van that ran him over. I’m still hunting that man down. Jack had a broken pelvis, we waited 6 weeks to see if it would heal right. I looked after him that whole time hoping he would pull through, but it didn’t and I had to tell him go. I spent every minute with him that last day, he was only 9. It completely broke my heart to say goodbye.
We’d moved into the country when I was 10 and Jack came along, then we got Minnie the border Collie the following summer. Jack had to get used to this crazy dog running around, trying to round him up like he was a sheep. Then came Cassie, another sheep to round up! I met her when we went to look at kittens at a neighbour’s house, some friends wanted 2 kittens, so they picked one grey one Sasha and ginger one Sammy. Sasha is Cassie’s exact twin, I wanted Cassie and had a name for her straight away. I know when I’ve bonded with an animal and the name for them straight away. But my dad wouldn’t let me have another cat so I had to let it go. Cassie went to another neighbour 2 doors down, but with 7-8 months she was coming to our kitchen door and getting in Minnie’s bed. Something she still does now. So mum had a chat with the neighbours, who had A LOT of cats, and then we we’re like well she’s adopted us, we’ve got to keep her. Mum is just as bad as me when it comes to animals. Jack surprisingly accepted her, I guess because he already knew her from the area. What we didn’t know was she was already pregnant, she wasn’t even a year old. She had 4, 2 girls and 2 boys. A grey girl and grey boy, then a brown boy and brown girl. I fell in love with the boy grey one, he was the fattest out of them all. My nephew came up with the name short stuff for him and it stuck. But once again my dad said no and they went to homes. I only heard about how the grey 2 were from friends, they have both died now, I’ll never tell Cassie that. I also got my friend Stephanie to give her a middle name, so she’s called Cassie Tinkerbell.
I call Cassie the princess of the house, because she treats everywhere like her thrown, she demands her food by just sitting there whining and crying till you feed her, I also call her miss whiney.

                                                                                To Be Continued...

                                                                                          Mo xox


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