Expressing yourself...

I'm the sort of person that looks back at past things a lot. Like I'll just think 'Wish I could have done that a better way back then' or 'Wish I could live that day again. Such a good time, was better then'. And it does drive me mad, because I don't actually want to have it replaying in my head. But I do hold on to memories and things that remind me of those pictures.
Also it doesn't help from a early age I've never been able to express properly how I feel, to explain something is hard. Like as if it won't connect from my head to my mouth.
So when I was about 16-17, I started a journal. And whenever something is going over and over in my head, I would write it down and then think 'Right put that there and move on'.

Now close friends of mine will know I'm mad about music. I could kick myself for not carrying on with piano as a child, also I tried guitar but I'm hopeless at teaching myself. But singing is more my thing, I've always got my iPod on me just because I can't go a day without music.
At the same time as starting to write in a journal, I started writing lyrics down. I've never put music to it, because I just don't know where to start, but it hasn't stopped me from just writing. And it's been a help like my journal.

So for any of you that can't express, that just bottle up all your emotions and hide away. Open a notebook, write what you can down whenever you want, close the book, then you can let go and move on. I hope it helps...
                                                               Mo xox


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