Thank you...

Hellloooooo! (She says in a Marcus Butler voice. If you do not know who that is, shame on you. He's a youtuber.)

So I'd say me and Cait had a good weekend with amazing friends, including miss 'lifewithcerys'. And we're going to be having an even better weekend once again with some other amazing friends, which includes 'lifeofjoeywillo' (He basically wants a shoutout with his new blog and I'm good friend to do it).

Today I had an appointment with Specsavers (other opticians are available), and I'm trying out contact lenses. Cerys kept telling me how amazing they were after getting some herself not long ago, so I thought I might as well try it. I hardly wear my glasses when I know I should. I just walk around using everybody else, asking them what far away things are. Apparently I'm getting know for saying something like 'What does that say? Not got my glasses on'.
Now down side is when the girls are like 'Did you see him?! How nice was he?', I haven't. Not that we ermm do that like...

Another thing about this week is I've realised how much I appreciate the people around me. I have some amazing friends right now and I wouldn't change them for the world. They've really helped me when I've been low, of course my lil sis Cait being one of them as always, and I can't thank them enough. You should know who you are haha.
Bring on the weekend!

So thanks for reading and hope you too have a good weekend. Maybe get in touch and tell us what fun you've been up to.
Byeeeeeeeeee (Marcus Butler voice again).
                                                                      Mo xox


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