A Little Natter About My Style

I want to talk about style, whether it’s clothing, interior...whatever else can go into that category.
But I mainly want to talk about clothing, because I feel like my style is changing bit by bit. Lately I’ve tried to take chances. I’ll find certain items in shops that are so different, few years back I would just say ‘No, don’t think I could pull it off’ and leave it. Now I’m just like ‘Ok, let’s do this, what can I put with this?’  I came across this dress, which the only way I can describe it is that it’s like wearing a huge silk scarf. It’s shorter at the front and like a tail at the back, it’s just how it’s been sewn.  It’s just the most amazing thing to wear because I can say not many would wear it. But I had to do it!

Trying it on in the dressing room

If you have read these blogs regularly you will know my love for the 1960’s style and bright colours. Oh and I love comfy clothes, I will come home from a day out and the PJ’s will come out. If not the PJ’s, then it’s the comfy joggers and a soft t-shirt.  Anyway I’m going off topic. My bright colours have lately been slipping. I’ve been wearing a lot of grey and it’s half scaring me, but then I’m half enjoying it. It’s mainly grey and brown I’ve been putting together, I think it’s since I bought some grey washed out jeans from Primark and they have been my turn to comfy jeans ever since. And then I have some chunky brown ankle boots, with my brown satchel bag too match and whatever t-shirt I fancy that day. Then BOOM, it’s like what’s going on Mo?! Oh but then I get the cat ears out and it’s ok, everyone knows it’s still me.

Actually I’d like to discuss this cat ear thing that’s happening more and more lately. Any chance I get, I seem to be wearing cat ears. I’ve had this pair of black beaded ear shaped head band, I got it from H&M last October I think. And then Cerys bought them after me, so it became a thing for us to wear them when we could. Like for Alton towers a few weeks ago and in the summer we went off on a bike ride and wore them. Then we get some people that don’t say anything but just stare at us weird and we forget we have them on so wonder why were getting looked at. But the best people are the ones that say that they love the look and were like ‘Awww thank you!’  Now the thing is, I went and stepped it up a notch last week and bought the cat ears from the Katy Perry Claire’s collection. Wore them around the town, while carrying a marrow (don’t ask) might I add, then went over to Cerys house and got her to paint whiskers on my face with black eyeliner. Now awhile ago I wouldn’t have even tried to wear them round town when I was on my own, now I don’t even care. See I told you, I’m going a bit daring in what I wear. I’m expressing myself a lot more and enjoying it.
                                           What’s the most daring thing you’ve worn?
                                                                           Mo xox

Alton TowersVlog- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YxYxiLvCZc&list=UUZrK0AUiXENLjiTpZqWzqJg

 Cat Ear Day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td3f0S7DbCw&list=UUZrK0AUiXENLjiTpZqWzqJg


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