Trip To The Woods

My mum is a bigger fan of autumn than me, which is saying something! Maybe it’s the fact we were both born in autumn, her in October and me in November. We normally end up with similar coloured clothing, the proper autumn colours you’d see on the falling leaves. As a kid you always love picking up conkers as you pass the trees. I always had this thick plastic orange bag and every year it would be full of conkers and whatever else I could pick up as I went.
Well what I’m getting to is my mum found out that if you put conkers in certain places, spiders don’t like them. So it keeps them out of that room you place them in. So last year she had me routing under piles of leaves in our local woods, and we got loads! It was fun but then I did land on my bum in the dirt a few times, I was holding the dogs lead crouching down and when she pulled I toppled over. But now these conkers are a year old and mum was worried they wouldn’t work now. Especially as we had two HUGE black things with eight legs each, on our wall in the front room. So I texted Cerys the day before and she agreed to come conker hunting with me. Here are some pictures of our little trip.


We didn’t manage to find a lot, I think the animals we saw like the squirrels, got to them first. But we did have some fun walking around. It’s about the only exercise we just about do! I also vlogged our trip too so I shall leave the link for that at the bottom of the page.

                  Why don’t you try visiting the woods this autumn and see what you can find?

                                                                            Mo xox

Conker Hunting-


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