Nearly a year!

Can you believe that on the 28th this month, it will be a year since this blog had been going?! Crazy!
There's been up and downs on keeping it going. There was a time when I kept writing and I was giving you at least two posts a week. And there's been the times where you've had hardly anything.
Then July/August has been a no go with having no laptop.

I have to say it's easier grabbing hold of the camera, filming my day and then editing another day. Than having to think what to write for you. I do love writing, even though I'm sure my spelling and everything else is terrible and your sitting there telling me off every time. Sometimes I have to give myself a push to write something, but once I'm doing it it's hard not to stop.

Some fun things are happening next month, one being me and Cerys are going to the Amity Festival. If you don't know who Zoella, Pointlessblog, Jim Chapman, Tanya Burr, Marcus Butler, Niomi Smart, Casper Lee, Sprinkleofglitter or ThatcherJoe is... Shame on you. They are youtubers basically, they are the people I watch everyday and there's many other people that do too. Next month they are going on a little tour to London, Birmingham and Liverpool. To get on a stage and say hi to us all. Yes, me and Cerys got tickets! I spent the night before dreaming I missed buying the tickets and then woke up panicking at 6am! But thankfully, I was on the website at 9am on the dot ready to get hold of them and I succeeded! So yes, I will be vlogging that day and my aim is to take as many pictures as I can, then write all about it on here for you! If I don't, tell me off! I think the tour has sold out by now, but if your gutted you missed it...don't worry! They have said this is just the start, if it all goes good there will be more to come!

Also, I've been saying for awhile that I've been wanting to do a lookbook, which hasn't happened yet. But I think it's more likely I shall be doing one for Autumn. It's more my style and favourites colour at Autumn time. The only thing is, as much as I love the sun, it's September and it's still around. So no jumpers just yet. I think I'll have to wait till next month.

So yeah, I think this is me kicking myself to get back into things now Summer is meant to be over and it's more nights in. You soft of always know when summer is over because TV comes more interesting, they know not to put anything too good on in summer because nobody wants to miss the sun for some TV. Or I like to think that they don't. I mean if you ever meet Cerys, you will know she hates the sun and spends most of the week in a dark room if she can. You have to let her because otherwise you have her moaning all day about the sun.

                                            Do you know anyone that hates the sun?

                                                                        Mo xox


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