Book Talk

There are so many topics I want to talk about! So I’m going to have to split them up over the weeks so I’m not giving you so much to read in one go.
To start this off I think I should give you an over view of what I have been up to the past few months. I mean I could literally just say YouTube, baking, reading, thinking ideas and autumn excitement. But that would be boring for you! So let’s be more descriptive and make it more fun.

Let’s start it off with books. I have been a complete bookworm since I could read really. Even before then my mum would always read books to me before bed, Famous Five was always a favourite. And too this day Enid Blyton is my favourite all time author. I have always been Anne, mothering everyone. If me and my nephews made dens I would always have to make it all homely. Plus I’ve always worried way too much if I think something isn’t right. But I have to say I secretly wanted to be George because I used to always try keep up with the boys just because I wanted an adventure. Even if it was climbing trees, which hands up I admit I’m hopeless at!
Anyway back to what I’m getting at. So I went with Cerys, who had read the book, to go watch Divergent at the movies when it first came out and fell in love with it straight away. I finally got hold of the book and read it within 4 hours of starting it. And yes that is normal for me if I do like the book. If I don’t try to read it all in one go, you know I’m not the biggest fan of what I’m reading. Then few weeks later I bought the second book of the series, Insurgent. And yes I read that in about 4-5 hours. Then I plagued Cerys to read it, so she bought it the next day while we were in the town.  Few days later I ordered Allegiant, the third book.  Read it as soon as I could in 4-5 hours once again. I cried and felt lost knowing what had happened just because I felt like it had all ended for me. I had no story to carry on, it was so real for me. So I have made Cerys borrow Allegiant and I am still waiting for her last reaction. I know when she’s reading it, because I’ll get a random txt from her ranting on about something that has happened. So that helps me feel like I’m still part of it and once she’s read it we can discuss it into depth and cry. Is that sad? Have I gone too deep into the book? Ahh I don’t care! And I’ve still yet to get the last book, in which the main guy character tells his side of the story.

So I spent the week feeling lost and didn’t know what to do with myself now it had ended. Then I remembered I still had a book to read that I had bought, Paper Towns by John Green. I adore The Fault In Ours Stars that he wrote, I didn’t read all of the book Looking for Alaska of his. So I really didn’t know which way I would go reading this one. But I read it one afternoon...And loved it! I heard Nat Wolf is playing the main guy in the film of it coming out. So excited! I loved every second, every word of that book. I would definitely recommend you read it before it comes out on film.

                                                   Any books you would recommend?

                                                                       Mo xox


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