Thinking A Little Deep

So one of my oldest childhood friends is getting married this weekend and I am so happy for her. But it has made me stop and think deeply this past week. Its funny how you would never dream, say 5 years ago, of what you are doing now. If somebody says to me ‘Oh what do you think you will be doing in so many years time?’ And yes there are things I aim for like travelling to different places and meeting more people, but I know I can never really answer that. I thought I knew where my life was heading at 18, then I made a decision and it’s brought me to now. There are times I think ‘Hmm what if I did it differently, did I do it right?’ And I know I am always going to think that. But honestly, I wouldn’t have experienced the certain things I did and I am so glad I have. Some of my best of friends have been made since then. And I’ve made some simple, but amazing memories!

I’m going to be 21 this year and it honestly scares me. Right since I was little, every year I would say ‘No, I don’t want to be a year older’. And the years keep going faster and faster. There is so much more I want to do and it’s only lately I’ve felt like I’m doing those things at last. I’ve always been the type of person, if someone said to me do that now, I’d ask straight away, why? I hate dares, unless it’s the most simplest, nothing absolutely wrong with it, dare you could get. I hate big rides at theme parks, I’ll be the one to offer to take the small child on the kids ride, mainly to get out of the other rides. But this year I’ve tried to take a step forward and try new things. Cerys, Gill and Steve just about got me on Air at Alton Towers. It’s where you’re sitting down strapped in, then they tilt you forward and you go flying in the air. Well it feels like it, but there is a certain route you go on. I just about dealt with it until you do a twist in the air, then my eyes stayed shut out of terror. I mean if I could really fly like Peter Pan, I would definitely love it. It’s the fact I’m not in charge of it, I can’t stop it if anything goes wrong. I can’t just land on my feet like a cat if that thing strapping you down isn’t secure enough. Yeah, I think of everything that could go wrong. But put me on the spinning teacups and I’ll want to go on again and again!

                Anyway, this is what my brain has been chewing over and over this past week.
                            Would you change something in your life if you were able to?
                                                                      Mo xox


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