Redecorating The Garden Shed

So when I younger I wanted a tree house at the bottom of the garden...But I began to realise slowly that was never going to happen. My parents ended up buying me a shed instead, which I was happy with at the time. My mum helped me to decorate it by using my old cushions and material from my room. It was all gingham check style, even the curtains. With a painted blue chair and a few shelves. But then I started putting my old toys in there and it got a bit less spacious. That was fine though, I just wanted it for me to chill out in when I wanted to.

And then came the spiders and the wasps that seemed to be attracted to the shed, I still don’t know how the wasps always got in. So over the time more things of other peoples stuff, like my siblings and my mum’s things have all been piling up in there. The shed itself has needed to be painted for a long time and this year I thought ‘Ok, get a move one and do it!’ So to make it more fun and creative I decided to paint it a dark woodland green and then paint flowers on the door. THEN it hit me, the shed is right next to my mum’s allotment. Why not make it a Beatrix Potter style shed. I’ll paint rabbits, frogs, hedgehogs, carrots, strawberries, ladybirds etc. Make it a proper garden shed.

And then the inside I shall clear out, make a section to store my toys I want to keep, give everyone else their stuff back, and then paint the inside white. I’ve still yet to work out what I want to add inside afterwards. But I’ll work that out as I go and I shall show you the end results once I'm done.

                                                                      Mo xox


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