Baking Talk

Let’s talk baking! I had a huge fail of a baking day not long ago. Lately I’ve just wanted to experiment a lot more. I have certain things I just make, like chocolate cupcakes, brownies, nutella cookies and flapjacks. So I just thought it was time I tried to bake more new things now. My idea was to start off with something easy and I’ve never tried butterfly cupcakes. Plus I had bought these really cute cupcake cases, with all different designs on them.
So I was all set, had all the ingredients. Mum had told me we were getting more eggs that morning with our fruit and veg delivery we get.  I started it off that afternoon, mixing the sugar and butter together when my mum comes in saying ‘I’ve just thought, I didn’t see the eggs with the delivery. I think we’ve only got one egg in. They won’t rise very well’.  She was right, only one egg. So I thought ok, well I’ll have to make do and hope for the best. I carried on, finished mixing everything, popped them in the oven and watched. Yes, the mother was right again. They were like a shape of a Yorkshire pudding. All sunk in the middle. And I was like well, no use making butterfly cupcakes when I have nothing in the middle to cut out for the wings on top. But I carried on making the icing like in the recipe. And I knew I would be surprised if I could make really good icing, because in the past I can never get it right. It’s always turns too watery however much I try. But I poured it on anyway, chocolate ball sprinkles on top, stuck them in the fridge for the icing to set a bit and tried to forget about it. My mum said they were ok, but personally, I think they were terrible.

But let’s forget about that experience now and think of more ideas. I will try the butterfly cakes another day when I have the full ingredients for sure! I know I want to try Mars bar cupcakes, think of all that chocolate! The thing is with me though, I don’t eat all the baking I do. I bake for the fun of it, trying to make something that looks yummy and tastes yummy for others. Yeah, I always try giving a lot of them away. Or mum tells me off because she ends up eating loads because it’s just sitting there. So I try bake when I know I will see other people for them to take the food off me. Don’t get me wrong though, I do like my food! Some people think I hardly eat, but it’s just when I’m out and about I don’t eat so much. They should see me when I’m home and bored! Actually though, I’m trying to be good this October so I can wear this dress to a party that was my mums. Got to keep the tummy down for it. Anyway I shall stop rambling now.

                                               What’s yours favourite thing to bake?

                                                                         Mo xox


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