Crafty Things

I have been loving redecorating our small room into a work room for me. For months I’ve been thinking of ideas and it’s actually coming together. I’m so excited for it to be finally done.

So I’ve been collecting the cardboard toilet rolls for awhile, weird thing to collect I bet your thinking. Well I’m sure you’ll understand after you read this. I’ve been trying to think of different ways of organising everything but not spending much. So my first thought was I’ll paint these cardboard toilet rolls and put pencils and whatever else I can hold in them. But then I found some different designed paper I had, but they were too small. Then my genius mum said why don’t I use magazines.

And that is what I have done. Cut up a Vogue magazine from last year and glued them on to the cardboard. When they were dry I placed them on my table and put pens in them but they would stand up with the weight of the things they were holding. So I had to come up with something else, so I cut a strip of cardboard and glued more cut outs on to it. And then glued the toilet rolls onto the cardboard. So now I have a creative pencil/ruler/anything else I can hold in them, holder.

Let me know if you can come up anything like it or even remake the whole thing. I’d love to see!

                                                                              Mo xox


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