Monday Chatter

Sometimes I think I would like to write a book, but I just don’t know where to start. I like writing, which is why I’m here writing now. I used to think up so many stories as a kid, playing with my Barbie’s mainly. And I did have quite an imagination back then, maybe it’s still there and I should use it! That’s my goal, write a story. Also I need to start writing a script for a video idea, I won’t say what we have planned just to keep it as a surprise. But it shall be fun to create, film and edit!

I have been enjoying filming little bits of my week for a vlog at the end of the week. I don’t know yet if it’s interesting or fun to watch for you all, so let me know how you feel about it. We did a second make-up tutorial with Cerys, we had such a laugh doing this first one that I begged her to do it again. And believe me, I shall be begging her to do more. Yes I know your reading this Cerys, so get ready!

Also I’ve been concentrating on my Etsy shop, putting more items up and showing everyone what I’ve been making. I shall leave a link for you at the bottom to take a look if you fancy it. My aunty and uncle came over last week and I was showing my aunty different hair pieces. She liked the silver flower beading hair combs, so I made her one that afternoon. She’s going to wear it on their wedding anniversary night out that is soon.

I’ve spoke about it in my vlogs, but I’m not sure if I have on here. I am redecorating our small room to be my work room. So I have been looking for a white table or desk I could use. Which I think I have come across one on the IKEA website. While I was looking on there I came across a rug and fell in love. Its simple cream but with pictures of buttons on it. How perfect is that! All I need now is button curtains, or at least bows. Maybe I should buy a plain pair of curtains and sew my own bead, buttons and bows on them. I’m thinking of lots of things to make the room my own and reuse a lot of things for it. It’s going to take time but worth it in the end. I can’t wait to hang the corkboard and chalkboard up on the wall once I know where everything else is going. I love redecorating and coming up with new ideas.

                                               Is redecorating a thing you like to do?

                                                                            Mo xox


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