Apple & Cinnamon Flapjacks

This is the easiest but the tastiest baking I’ve done recently.  I love flapjacks but when you get shop bought ones they often make me feel sickly after a bit, making your own though you can make them how you like them. So by making them less sickly, I can eat as much as I want!

Flap Jack Ingredients:
·         115g Butter
·         75g Demerara Sugar
·         3 rounded tbsp Golden Syrup
·         250g Porridge Oats
·         1tsp Cinnamon
·         2 washed Apples

Decorate Ingredients:
·         1 washed Apple
·         3tbsp Golden Syrup

Preheat your oven at 180c or gas mark 4. Then grease/use grease proof paper to line your tin.
Now get a good size pan to hold everything, stick your butter, sugar and golden syrup and heat gently until melted, and take it off the heat. Grate the apples (including the skin) into the mixture and stir together. 

Now pour it all into your prepared tin, squash down evenly all over with the back of your wooden spoon. Bake for 35-40 minutes, make sure it’s nice and golden brown. Let it cool for 10 minutes and cut in to 12-16 pieces. Leave to cool fully, I like to put it into the fridge to make sure.

Now if you want to add some nice decorations carry on reading. Prepare a section to put down some grease proof paper.  Cut the apple into 4 quarters, remove the core and slice thinly. Add the syrup into a frying pan and let it heat up until it has melted all over. Add the apples and poach for 5 minutes, or until you think they are soft enough. Stick them on the grease proof paper once they are done. 

When you’re sure the flapjacks are cool thoroughly, cut them fully into their pieces and add the apple slices onto of them. Then enjoy! 

                                                                           Mo xox


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