Dan Croll In Manchester

Last Monday we had a fun night out seeing Dan Croll, it was mine and Bryony’s first time. And it was such a good night! Let’s start from the beginning though.

So we arrived in Manchester and parked not far from the venue Deaf Institute, we walked over to see where it was and Cerys had a little accident. Bryony was trying to take a picture of the three of us by the door that had a Dan Croll poster on it. But Cerys leant on the door and fell over as soon as the door swung backwards. If you watch my vlog from the day you will just see Cerys’ head suddenly go down, the door banged and Cerys couldn’t get up which made it even more hilarious!

Anyway we had a walk around Manchester, ending up at maccies/McDonalds and somehow managed to not get rained on, as it had been all day. Basically it was the perfect day for Cerys, she loves a good rainy day. We sat in the car for awhile while I was helping Bryony do her make up with just the dim light from the car, we know how to do things in style. Getting to the doors for 6pm was a good idea as we managed to get up to the stage and an hour’s wait isn’t that bad. The best part was we could hear Dan doing sound check and we even saw him sitting in one of the rooms with the band beforehand. Bryony tried to film him on my camera but you can’t exactly see him.

We waited quite awhile before the support act came on but it was so worth the wait! Max Pope, or as Cerys likes to joke ‘The Maximum Pope’, the minute he started singing and playing that guitar I melted. They we’re all laughing at me afterwards because I spent the whole time resting my chin on my fist, leaning on the stage, mesmerized. His sound has got a bit of 60’s, Gerry and the Pacemakers, kind of sound to it, and you all know how much I love 60’s music. After his set, while the girls were teasing me, he was clearing things away right in front of me and I wouldn’t be surprised if I was blushing, I couldn’t really look at him out of embarrassment!

Dan came on and quite a few times I had to look at Cerys, next to me, to see how she was reacting. I was probably annoying as I kept grinning at her. He played quite a number of his new songs, which were all good but the album isn’t out yet. Bryony asked him later on when it was coming out and he wasn’t sure yet but there’s a new single coming out in the New Year. 
Obviously we stuck around and waited to meet him. Cerys made us wait till the queue had died down so we could be the last. I said to her ‘Do you mean you’re saving the best till last for him?’ Of course she was! And we had a good chat with him after, all took pictures with him and he signed a few of our things. He is honestly a really nice guy and we all had such a good night!

                                                                          Mo xox


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