Writing it all down...

Have you ever gotten to the point where you want to lock your door and tell everyone to just leave you alone. I just want some peace and time to myself, nobody bother me till I'm ready.
Yeah that's me right now. It's been brewing up through the week and then today it just got to the point where I'm ready to pop. It's not normally something I tell people, not many see me when I get to this stage. And there does have to be a number of things to work me up to get me at this stage.

I've always closed off if things get too hard, I know that's what I do so I've always tried to work on it. But I think my introvert side takes over when I'm being asked to do something I'm not comfortable at all with. And if I don't talk about something it's quite often because I'm scared of what others will think. There are times where I don't care what people think of me but when it comes to my 'shyness' I often think people are going to think I'm some strange girl that can't talk to people. But I use shyness in a loose term, as I don't think I am just 'shy'. Recently my mum came across a story about a girl with a illness like shyness. The things she said were like me but her story was more extreme. So I'm looking more into that, I don't know whether I would ever talk about that in the future or not.

The only reason I write about these things are hoping another person will read this and understand what on earth I'm talking about. The other reason is it helps, it helps to just rant and write. I've probably said this many times now but my way of expressing myself is either writing or dance. I'm not good with words verbally, but I can try written.

How do you express? Are you a person to just ramble verbally or do you have to find another way to help yourself? 

                                                                   Mo xox


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