Orange & Chocolate Brownies

This week’s baking has been the best yet, the yummiest I think. Orange and chocolate brownies! As I’ve got older I’m sorry to say I’ve not been that bothered about licking the bowl after baking. Obviously I was as a kid, but now when I’ve been baking the thought of eating doesn’t come to me. It’s like I get full on the smells and the work of actually doing the baking. But this time was different, I was scraping that bowl afterwards, didn’t want to leave any little bit go to waste!

·         200g Butter, chopped
·         200 Dark Chocolate, roughly chopped
·         Zest 1 large Orange
·         4 Large eggs
·         350g Caster Sugar
·         100g Plain Flour
·         50g Cocoa Powder
·         100g Dark Chocolate Orange, chopped

If you’ve made Brownies before, this will be easy. If you haven’t, it’s not that hard as long as you concentre on the melting part first. Ok preheat your oven to 180c or gas mark 4, then line your brownie tin with baking parchment. But I like to be difficult and I use a glass tin style and just cover it in butter so it doesn’t stick. 

First things first, grate that orange zest, it's the worst bit for me. Then put the butter, dark chocolate and zest in a pan to melt all together. Put it on a low heat and melt slowly, it does help if you have a non stick pan. Once it’s smooth, take off the heat and leave to cool.

Whisk the sugar and eggs together, an electric whisk is handy but I’m sure your arm won’t ache too much if you do it by hand. It should double in volume and it should leave a trail when the whisk is lifted. Pour the chocolate mixture and gentle stir, and then sift in the flour and cocoa. Grab your orange chocolate pieces and stir them in too.

Pour into your brownie tin and stick in the oven for 45 minutes. If it’s still too sticky when you check it after the time, pop it back in for a bit. If it’s only a little sticky, brownies are allowed to be so don’t panic. Once they are cooled right down, cut into squares and get ready to melt at the taste!

                                                                     I hope you enjoy! 
                                                                            Mo xox


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