Pastry Goodness

I was in the mood to eat pastry filled things, of course I had to use apple because our apple tree will not stop throwing apples at us. But I also love mince pies so I had to make my own. I tried to make tarts but they expanded a bit but I also made pies, they all tasted good anyway.

·         Just Roll Puffy Pastry
·         Plain Flour
·         Mince Meat
·         Apples
·         Butter
·         3 tbsp Caster Sugar    
·          Zest & Juice Half a Lemon
·         1 tsp Vanilla Extract

Peel, core and dice those apples.  Put the diced apples in a pan with the caster sugar, lemon zest and juice, also the vanilla extract. Make sure it boils and then once it does put it to simmer until soft.

Sprinkle the flour on the surface and roll out the pastry, use a round cutter to cut out 12 circles for the tarts. Grease the holes before placing pastry in them. Fill them with the apple or mince meat, use a brush to wet the edges and stick in the oven for 15 minutes.

For the pies do the same with the pastry but cut out larger circles. Grease the holes and place the pastry in them, add the filling and brush the edges with water, then place the top pastry. Use a fork to press down all round the edges and a few pokes on the top. Brush the top with water and stick in the oven for 15 minutes. 

                                    Let them cool first then you can enjoy the goodness!

                                                                        Mo xox


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