Are Jumpsuits Cool?

Hello my good people. We need like a special name for you all, because I never know what to exactly call you all.
Anyway, it's spring, the sun has been shining. There still been a chill but if the sun is here I'm happy!

I'll start with the bad news first, just get it over and done with. Caitlin has left us for a month to go to Ireland to stay with family. I mean it's great for them, but we're missing her! She can get lost easy, forget a lot of things quick and can be clumsy, but I'm sure she's fine really. Oh listen to me, she's only been there four days!
We had a day out on Saturday, a last day altogether before she left us, in Liverpool. I've got a vlog up for you all to see that, so I'll put a link to that at the end. And I've demanded she posts a few blogs up for us all, to keep us up to date what she's been up to while she's away.

Speaking of vlogs, make sure you always have a check on our youtube, even better go subscribe. Because I don't always say on here when we've uploaded a new video. We're going to try some different type of videos in the future, maybe some challenges.

Now Cait always tells me I have a quirky sense of style, but I don't think about it. Like I'll go anywhere in my batman leggings, on Saturday I wore them and got so many batman comments all day. Got on the bus back home and the bus driver straight away went 'nananananananana'. So what I want to know is what is everyone's thoughts about jumpsuits. Because I love them! Same thing with dungarees, I have two pairs of them. Then I came across a blue jumpsuit that looks denim and had to get it, I've now decided I could live in it.
I think my style is either sixties influenced or eighties, so the fact I'm really thinking about crimping all my hair right now while wearing the jump suit...well that's defiantly eighties in my head right now. I remember as a young teen all my friends used have names for there type of style. For example the 'chav' or 'scene kid'. One day I was like ok what am I? Then a friend turned to me and was like 'Oh your just Mo, you have your own style'. And I thought about that and was like yeah, I like that. I'm different to everyone else because no one else can be Mo, I'm just myself. So I embrace that and wear what I want because it makes me feel comfy and be the best of what I am.

                                                       What would you call your style?
                                                                           Mo xox

  Liverpool trip-


  1. Like I'll go anywhere in my batman leggings, on Saturday I wore them ...


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