Mo's Animal Hotel

So the ones that follow me on Instagram and Twitter will know I have cats. Four to be exact, I didn't plan to have that many, it just sort of happened. I do love animals, as a child I always wanted a pet lamb. The plan for this spring was to actually get a lamb for a pet, as mum says it saves mowing the lawn as we have a good sized garden. But we couldn't get our fence done in time for this spring, don't want a lamb escaping!

First off there's Cassie, she's grey with specks of ginger/brown in her fur. She actually adopted us, our neighbour had kittens and she was one of them, I fell in love with her but couldn't have her. 6 months later she started popping in and sleeping in the dogs bed. So we asked if we could keep her. She was actually pregnant and had four kittens at a early age. We now think it might have stunt her growth because she's just so small. She's the oldest and tried to sort the rest of them all out. But then since the youngest came, that likes to annoy the rest of them, she's become quite grumpy. Don't blame her though, she's between 7-8 years old now. And having a young one jump on you and chase you around the house would be annoying!

Then there's the twins. After my old ginger cat Jack died, mum promised we could get another ginger. Not to replace him, but cause I just love ginger cats. Then she found this farm that kept having loads of kittens. But they were getting run over on the main road outside or at milking time they'd rush in and the cows were standing on them. And so mum decided to save the last two but they were black and white. She says she couldn't take one without the other and I don't blame her!
So there's Mojo Jojo, or I just call her Mojo or Moj. Yes... she's named after the evil villain from the Power Puff girls. She did not stop eating when she came, wouldn't let her twin or Cassie eat till she had. So she got quite fat and them two were so skinny, so much that I would shove her out the room till they ate.
The other twin is Francis, he was always the baby. Completely obsessed with my mum, whenever she sits down he has to sit with her. Even if she has the laptop on her knee, he will find a way. He took longer to develop then Moj, just always seemed more babyish. So he's mum's baby of course. There both now nearly 3 years old.

Next is Cheshire. He's what you might call an insane cat. I've never known a cat like him!
Mum started talking to a lady few miles away from us and she said her cat was having kittens, also it always has a ginger. Mums ears pricked up and told her how I've wanted a ginger since Jack died.
So as soon as the kittens were born she saved the ginger for us. It took us awhile till we got the kitten, it wasn't eating at one point. But eventually got it and they told us it was a girl. Now I know I've already wrote a blog about the whole story, so briefly what happened was...Sent Dinah to vets to have the operation for no kittens. She came back as a he and I had to rename him to Cheshire. I kept with the Alice in Wonderland theme.
He's basically the naughty/cheeky one of the family, he'll just attack the rest of them, oh plus he'll see food and dive for it. No matter what food it is, he's even learnt how to open the bin lid now, so really he's making up for when he wasn't eating as a kitty. But I think he's making up for it for the rest of his life! I have to say though, he's the best cuddlier out of them all. He'll come into my room first thing in the morning, get under the duvet with his paws in my face and go to sleep. Then he's too cute to move and I'm stuck there for a long time.
He'll be a year old this summer, but he's same size as the rest of them now.

I can't leave my doggy Minnie out, she'll be 10 years old in June. Starting to slow down more and get lots of grey hairs. The only way to describe her is a lovable, barky, border collie, that's obsessed with balls. Any kind of ball, but mostly footballs, she'll bark till you throw one for her. She'll round up all the cats as if that's her sheep. But the funny thing is, if she see's sheep she's never bothered about them. Don't think she realised that's what's she's meant to round up, she is a smart one though with her daft moments.

                                                            What pets have you got?
                                           How would you describe there characters?
                                                                        Mo xox


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