Happy Monday!

Happy Monday everybody! Now I know some of you will be like 'what's so happy about Monday?'. Well first, have you seen this sunny beautiful weather?! The sun just makes you want to do things, go places, actually want to get things done.
And another thing, I actually enjoy Mondays. I get to be a kid for the morning with my nephew. We look after him every Monday and so even when your feeling down from the start of the week, or I just don't feel like pushing myself. When Marley comes, I just can't help but smile. He smiles and laughs, it makes me want to smile and laugh. This morning we actually went outside and played catch the ball with each other. He loved it some much that he just didn't want to come inside. So I'm standing there going 'Shall we go back inside, see the cat?' And all I get back is 'No.' He knows what he wants.


We've now decided that Marley is a king. He got hold of a plastic cookie shape cutter and it looks like a crown. Once I put it on his head, that was it, every time it fell off it had to go back on. Marley now has a crown.

So this week I need to come up with a business name. I'm starting up my own business that consists of me getting hold of things and making them into new things I guess you could say. It's just having an imagination and creative side. But names I've come up with have been used, I need to think of something new now.
                                                                         Any ideas?
                                                                           Mo xox


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