
So it has been awhile, again.
Sorry. I guess i'm not very good at this...
But anyway, i'll start off by asking how are you all? Everybody well? Good.
I am currently in Ireland. Yes. It is cold, but beautiful. Iv'e been here for 2 weeks 6 days and have only 1 week left till i'm home. Which is a relief for my dearest mother who I am certain will never let me out of her sights again. Love you too mom. I'm in the safe hands of my Aunty Nessa and Uncle Stephen and two cousins Rebecca and Michaela, and it's been such a lovely experience. The views are amazing and the people I have met are all so kind! Been to some beauiful places,one including a beach ( I forget the name ) which was really nice until it started raining and hailing on us... But on the plus side, the chips were so good!

Last night my cousins and I were looking through some old photos, and let me tell you. They were cringe worthy. I thought it was good fun getting some photos to embaress my sisters with! And then I came across the many photos of me that were

I think when I come back to Ireland I am definetly bringing Simone and Cerys, I miss them so much it is unbelivable! It's good fun here, and the ministry is great! Despite the weather being, slightly cold, the scenery is stunning. You know those rare moments in life where you just look a something so beautiful it takes your breath away? never appreciate anything as much as a golden sunset. I know you can see that anywhere,but it never gets old.

Tomorrow i'm hoping to go surfing which I am SO EXCITED about because seriously, I would live in the ocean if I could. And yeah the water may be -5 but who cares! Not sir...cold never bothered me anyway...ok i'm probably gonna die of hypothermia or something so I'm leaving my guitar to Simone, all my teddys to Cerys and Jonathan can have all my makeup.
Anyway, I promise I will write again soon and tell you all a lot more of my adventures.

Caiti x 


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