A Little Chatter...

Can I just start of by saying you should be very proud of me today, I've walked past hair dyes in shops all day and not once bought any. I'm so tempted to just do it and dye my hair, but I have said I won't till summer and I'll stick to that as long as I can. Even my mum was shocked I didn't give in today!
So yeah, I've been shopping today and bought some new spring clothes. Then tried not to go to mad in Boots with the 3 for 2 deal that's going on in there. I was actually wondering if you guys would like video haul this week sometime? I am slightly scared of sitting in front of the camera on my own, but I'm willing to give it a try.

Last vlog I put up was going to see the new Spider-Man film, oh the emotions to that. It's not just either happy or sad, its literally happy, sad, excitement, anger...you get the picture. But you must go and see it, it's totally worth it!
I actually have to say I've watched that vlog quite a lot of times, just because those crazy people I call my best friends make me laugh so much. I'd say them 20 odd views are really just me watching it over and over again haha, but I can watch it on my laptop so it's from you awesome people I have to thank for the views.
I've got that bonus video I was talking about, the one with bits of video from different times. I'm probably going to call it bits n bobs. Sounds about right for it. So I should have that up sometime soon, really when I need a video to go up and don't have one haha.

Also this week Cait and Cerys are coming round, which I'll probably vlog a bit for you. And were making our own photo shoot, 50's and 60's style. As you can guess I'm dressing 60's, where them too are going 50's style. So that should be fun! Lots of pictures that you will probably end up seeing in the future.
And I've been doing so much painting making a banner for 50's/60's, but it's really coming together. Loving how it's coming out so far. Anyway have a good week and you'll hear from me soon ;)

                             Have any ideas for 50's/60's party themed decorations?
                                                                  Mo xox


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