Talking Some Vlogs And Photo Shoot

So last week I mentioned about the photo shoot me and the girls were doing. We had the best time, well firstly dressing up is always fun and secondly we had such a laugh dancing and posing!
I'm just at this moment uploading the vlog to it, which includes me telling you how I did my 60's themed make up and me panicking over putting fake eyelashes on for the first time.
I shall put a link to that at the bottom of the page. Also enjoy Caitlin's cover of Fresh Prince of Bel Air rap with Cerys trying to beat box I think, you will want to watch that.
I'll probably show you most of the pictures by next month, sometime after the party. Were getting some black card and making a photo film. Then placing the pictures down it like it's a proper photo film. Just another idea for the party.

The next day we went out to Chester with our friend Charlotte and then a certain Jonathan joined in later, so we vlogged that day too. It should be up sometime in the week for you all to nosey at.
I picked up some bits for the party, well mostly props for the photo's. Steve (Cerys dad) has kindly offered to be the photographer, so were having a corner for that so people can have some fun with the props and posing.

We also nipped into a shop in Chester that is one of my favourite shops, called Lily Vintage. It's all vintage clothing, shoes, jewellery. I picked up two scarfs that I fell in love with for £5, which I was very happy with. When I got home and showed my mum, she looked at the orange coloured one and said 'Hey! I remember when they were popular and new in shops!' Haha poor mum.

       I've been doing a lot painting on this banner I'm making for the party too, this is it so far.

 There's some little bits that need painting and I might add more stuff over the next few weeks. I just hope I've thought of enough decorations and the place looks good on the night. I will definitely be doing some vlogging on the night for you all to see!
And sometime before then I'm going into Liverpool with friends and then we're nipping to visit The Cavern. I thought it might give me some ideas before hand too. And its just a good excuse to go!

Also I'm working hard on my business I'm creating, mostly to do with jewellery. But I should be setting up a Etsy shop some time soon. So as soon as I've done that and there's items on there for you to have a look at, I will give you the link to that!

                                       Well have a good week and I shall speak soon!
                                                                     Mo xox

                                  50's/60's Photo Shoot -


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