March's Favourites

Yoooo-Hooooo! Seriously I've been watching frozen over and over again, if you watched the vlog I put up on Sunday then you'll know me and Cerys love saying that. Yoooo-Hooo! Ok I'll stop.
So I told you I'd be doing a favourites in April, well here it is but really it's for March. My favourites from March.

Let's start with Twister ice lolly's. It's getting a little warmer and so my obsession with Twisters comes back. I don't know what it is about them, is it the fruitiness but with ice cream too that makes them so nice? Or is it just the fact I have a routine when I eat them. Oh come on, I'm sure you would to! First, with your finger, you go round and around taking the ice cream off and eating it, but you never get it all on the first go. Then you lick round the green lolly part (or red if it's from the packs, they like to change it up and swap the red and green), just to unfreeze it a bit. Now you get the rest of the ice cream off. Then you eat all the swirly bit so it's makes all go flat and smooth, making it easy just to lick all off the lolly pop stick. So there you go, my routine....Don't laugh.

Next is my nails... I can't choose one. Last few months I've either got Green, Orange or Yellow on. My favourites are... Barry M Nail Paint in Spring Green, Rimmel London Lasting Finish in Cute As A Kitten Heel or (now I can't choose which Orange I like best) Collection Hot Looks in Hip Hop/ Ciate Paint Pots in Red Hot Chilli. You see the Collection orange colour is more a proper orange, brighter. But the Ciate orange is more a deeper orange. My Barry M green is more a brighter green and well my Rimmel yellow is a proper bright yellow. So I do prefer my bright colours at the moment, well saying that my whole room is bright colours so I guess that's just me.

Now I know your probably going to expect this, but for favourite film is has to go to Frozen. I literally don't know anyone that doesn't like it. I've been hearing about people loving it and having a few tears, who I never even thought it would be there sort of film. Well done Disney! But if you haven't watched it yet, please do. I promise you will laugh, cry and get very annoyed at the end over a certain person for tricking you. I won't mention names though.

For a tv show though I've been watching a lot on Netflix for awhile and I have to say I've loved going back and watching old series of Primeval. I never started watching it when it was out till about 3rd series in. I found out about it when I'd go over to my friends house, her and her little brother would watch it. And he'd even watch it over and over again afterwards, so I'd see bits of it and it caught my attention.
Now normally it wouldn't be my sort of thing, with dinosaurs and scary creatures. I get scared very easily and would normally refused to watch anything like it. I mean it would have me on the edge of my seat, or at least behind a cushion. But I absolutely loved it and didn't care how much I was scared, I'd get excited for the next episode week later. Oh it was bonus that the girl from S Club 7 was in it, plus the flying lizard thing called Rex, he was so cute!

There's a book that's just come out by Lou Teasdale. She's a hairdresser/make up artist for the celebs. It's called The Craft, and it basically has from hair styles, to make up tips...Just jam packed full of her experiences and ideas with hair and make up for everyone else. She even gives you advice on how to help yourself if you want to get into that career. So I totally recommend you even just have a nosey at it if you can hold of one of the books. I think every girl will get something out of it, I know I did. And the pictures are cool, it's very bright and fun.
P.S If your a One Direction fan, you will probably know she's their stylist. But also Gemma Styles, Harry's sister, is in the book doing a bit of modelling. I'll let you find her ;)

Last but not least! My two new favourites dresses. I went to H&M with my mum couple of weeks ago now, and we came across this yellow dress. So I went to try it on...I fell in love. And then I went and brought the turquoise version too. I've got a few things coming up that I can wear them for so it's not just me going 'I want them! I'm getting them!' It was thought out I promise.
They fit just so nice and of course there brightly coloured which is what attracted me. They fit in nicely at the waist and then sort of pleat out. I did a dressing room selfie and sent it to Cait and Cerys straight away for their approval. But I bought them before they could answered me back, too slow. ;)

                                                 So there you go, my March favourites!
                                                    What have you been loving lately?
                                                                           Mo xox


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