Red Heads

See I wanted a subject to write about, so my friend Jonathan said I should write about gingers, as he is one. One of the coolest of course ;)

So here we go...
I've been dying to dye my hair red/ginger and I might just do it nearer summer time. It's since I saw Frozen and fell in love with Anna's hair. Yes I know she's only a cartoon, animation person. But seriously, I want her hair! Cerys thinks ginger wouldn't suit me with having dark eyebrows, so to go more red.
I might have to try find a inbetween shade of them both because I really want ginger hair!
And the thing is, since I've wanted it, I have just seen gingers everywhere. Me and the girls were in Boots shop not long ago and everywhere I turned there were red haired people. Its like there tormenting me! Ok, I know, I'm going over the top a bit.

See I was searching 'Ginger hair facts' into google for this blog. And I came across this page saying that people with blue eyes have to have got it from both parents. The parents must have both been carrying the gene for the child to get blue eyes. So its the same for red heads, both parents must be both carrying the gene. And it is so rare if a red head had blue eyes! Obviously I didn't get the red hair but I got the blue eyes. Got to count for something right! Plus it says 40% of the population carry that gene. So it's like their secret gingers, but hair doesn't show it. I really hope I'm one!

Now is this true that red heads take longer to go grey? Cause if it is, I am well and truly jealous!
In one week Cerys found two grey hairs on me on separate days. I've moaned about it ever since.
All the more reason to dye my hair I think! And plus my favourite colour is red.

                                                      Are you a fan of the red hair?
                                                                       Mo xox


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