April Glossy Box

Yes it's that time of the month again, the time I get so excited when the postman brings me a box of goodness! (And when Marley thinks the box is a drum to bang)

Lets start with EMITE MAKEUP Lip brush-L312. I always say I must get a lip brush and never end up doing. So thank you glossy box for sorting me out at last! It has a slanted edge and glossy box's description on this says its easy to clean after use. I shall be putting it to the test very soon.

Next is MONU Spa Warming Ginger Massage & Body Oil. You can use it in the shower by adding a little to the palm of your hand and then rub it in, making it into a milky soft liquid. Or you can use by pouring into your warm bath. I can tell you, you will smell the ginger! Not sure if I could pour into my bath and smell the ginger the whole time, but that's just me. You might love the smell of ginger!

Now come my favourite of them all. MeMeMe Cosmetics Beat The Blues-Pearl Pink.
I've used this product everyday since I got hold of it. It's used to highlight your features, on your cheekbones, brow arches or I use it sometime just on the sides of my nose. It really lets the sun hit those spots to make your face glow a little. You just dot sparingly around those areas and blend into your face. Or you could apply under your blusher for a more dew glow. I would definitely recommend you try it!

Then I became very happy seeing TRESemme Instant Refresh Cleansing Dry Shampoo.
I'm all about dry shampoo, its like my life saver in the morning when my hair is causing me trouble and I need to be out of the door. And then I read on the can Boosts Body. So that was a bonus, I hate my hair flat. And it doesn't help when back comb just doesn't like to stay in my hair, so I'm always trying to find new things to add volume or body to my hair. And I also love TRESemme, I always buy their hairspray, I think more so because it smells nice when you apply it.

And lastly Unica Cosmetics Radiance Plus. After receiving this product I started reading more about the company. I love the fact its all very organic and 100% natural. Although with this product I hope I don't really need it, as it says it helps wrinkles. I know I've been finding grey hairs but I don't think I'm at that stage yet!

So there you have it! Let me know if you've tried Glossy Box or anything similar, tell me what you thought.
                                                                             Mo xox


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