What I've Been Up To Lately

Anyone see the vlog I put up on Saturday? It became a bit emotional, the moment me and Cerys saw Cait popping her head around the gate. I just heard this little voice shout 'hellooo', Cerys ran away thinking a strange person was shouting for her (she had been waving at all my neighbours). I knew who's voice it was and ran straight for it. Then Cerys realised in the end and it became a BIG hug between the three of us. Oh and can I just say, in the vlog I ask Cait if she's grown and she points to her heeled boots. BUT she actually has a little bit we think, Ireland did something to her!
So yeah, we got our Cait back, all is good again. The three chummy's are back together.

So you might ask 'What's new with you Mo?' Well my lovely bubbly jubbly people... yes I know, you guys need a proper name instead of me making a fool of myself. With lots of help from my friends, I'm organising a 50's/60's Party. A Mods and Rockers style party. I've organised quite a few party's in the past, but I don't think I've ever been as excited for one as this! The only thing I'm worried about is I have less than 2 months, about 6 weeks to do it in. Oh well, bring it on!
I had Cerys and Cait helping me make records out of card on Friday and Saturday. I'm quite proud of our work with them. I sorted all the 50's and 60's music this afternoon, and I gave Cait the job to come up with a list of more modern music. I thought we could play songs people know more later on in the night.
And also were going to be having a section in the room for photographs, which Cerys dad Steve has kindly offered to do. Thank you Steve! So were thinking of what props we could get hold of and make, that people can use in the photo's. Maybe I should get a chalkboard that people could write on to show up on the picture, what do you think? Cait mentioned something like that awhile ago.
It feels like everything is happening at once, so much going on next few months!

Something else to mention...SPIDERMAN 2 COMES OUT ON FRIDAY!!!!
Yes I'm seeing it this weekend and yes I'm VERY excited. So I'll probably be telling you about that next Monday. And hopefully I'll be vloging that day too for you all.

Also sometime soon I hope to get hold of Cait and then we can do some challenges for you guys, so please do comment on what you would like to see.
                                 So have a good week people and I'll be back soon.
                                                                   Mo xox


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