Girls At Delamere Forest

I love Delamere forest a lot, I’ve been going there since I was a little kid. Like I was telling the girls on Saturday, my mum had me going there being a junior ranger every week! When we realised Bryony had never been, me and Charlie started talking about arranging it and eventually we got there.
There shall be a vlog up of the day too so go have a look at that, but I thought I would share some pictures of the day too. 

I bet you’re all wondering why on earth I look like I’m curled up on the floor with Cerys and Charlie laughing at me. So I wanted a nice picture of me sitting on that log for the blog (yes I know that rhymes).  The problem was, after I had walked across it, sat down and posed for the picture, it was the difficulty of standing back up without falling off. You got to have some good balance, and when you’re already laughing balance just doesn’t come to you. After a few attempts to stand up I gave up and crawled on my hands and knees across the log, while my friends and whoever passed us, watched me. I just laughed the whole way, got to the end and couldn’t get up for laughing. So that’s the last picture, I hope you have at least a smile on your face while reading that.

                                                                           Mo xox


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